Inclusion: The Dream
Why do you ignore me when I am right here, here and now? Am I no good? Have I no gifts? Nothing worthy to offer you? But to sit inside the box. Inside the box you drew.
Inside the box you’ve put me in, and placed me there to stay— so I’ve been placed to stay.
My gifts you do not need or want, even though I want to share.
My offerings they rot away with each passing day. While I sit inside this box. Inside this box you made.
Suppress my gifts, expose them not. Never look within—don’t ever look within.
Seems you’d rather keep me inside this box, tucked safely out of view.
But if I could pick up this box, why I’d just run away from you.
Your walls confine my movement still. So barely can I move—so still I do not move.
No mention me, no value worth, no nothing can I give.
But to sit inside the box. Inside the box, you’ve put me in.
Now inside the box I stay, stifled, dead-cold, numbed and cloaked in fear.
I’m squashed to the every fiber of my beings worth and whole.
And so I cast my downward eyes to droop where they belong.
And stay inside the box you drew. Inside the box you put me in.
Then listened close, I heard the sound of scratching at the box.
Someone poked a flower through a hole below the top.
I took the precious flower and its joy did warm my heart which had partially frozen over because it’s cold inside this box.
By: Shonna Kurkilahti
The forth point of our Mission Statement is to foster inclusion into the greater community. Stop by regularly and help us spread the message of inclusion.
Inclusion: The Dream © 2017
You are very talented indeed. Your poem and story captures the emotional and inner child in me…the part that is normally kept hidden until something comes along that somehow sparks a flame that I had once felt was dead. Looking forward to hearing more!!